Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 02, 2006

Global Fund Renews Uganda Aid

Apologies -- I missed this news after reporting extensively on it a few months back:
The Global Fund has lifted the suspensions of all its five grants to Uganda, following the signing of an Aide Memoire setting out action points for restructured management of the grants. The agreement was signed today in Kampala by the Global Fund's Chief of Operations, the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and Ministry of Finance of Uganda. ...

Under the terms of the Aide Memoire, measures to consolidate grant management under the Ministry of Finance as Principal Recipient (PR) will strengthen oversight and governance of Global Fund grants to Uganda, in order to ensure effective, accountable and transparent implementation of funded programs. (more)
The Global Fund consistently blamed faulty oversight for the grant cut, but I for one have never been convinced.

Uganda has fought AIDS with a monogamy and abstinence program that doesn't find favor amoung the UN types. In that, it is alone, but it is hardly alone in Africa in corruption and poor financial management -- so why was it signaled out?

Progress On Uganda AIDS Grant
Global Fund Denies Bias
I Get An E-Mail From Michael Moore!
Nine Questions For The Global Fund
Condomites In UN Attack Uganda
Finger-Pointing In Uganda
Ugandan AIDS Cut Unprecedented
Uganda AIDS Cut More Suspicious
Uganda Punished for Abstinence?