Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I get an e-mail from Michael Moore!

No, not that Michael Moore! This one's from Michael Moore, MD, about the Global Fund's PC cutting of Ugandan aid:
Saw this linked by HH.

As shown in the graph, Uganda had a prevelance rate of 30% long before anyone heard about "AIDS in Africa", because it was still a poorly treated condition in the US. By the time it was treatable in the US and "Africa had an AIDS Crisis", Uganda's prevalence was declining. It is documented by an-exHarvard PhD named Green, I believe. The program was indigenous to the Ugandan people, even if some of them are, (cover your ears....Christians...aaahhh!!).

In addition, I know several families that have been working in Uganda since the early 90's. From what I hear from them, if there is a problem in Uganda's administration of the program it was selected out from the others because the program was run well enough to find the irregularities!!

In addition to the data above, they have shown a rise in the age of first sexual experience, and a decrease in the number of sexual partners.

Revolting and disgusting. I could have seen a decrease in AIDS funding under the "they don't need it as much because they are doing well", but aarrghh!!!
Nine Questions For The Global Fund
Condomites In UN Attack Uganda
Finger-Pointing In Uganda
Ugandan AIDS Cut Unprecedented
Uganda AIDS Cut More Suspicious
Uganda Punished for Abstinence?
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