Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sheehan Media Update

Sharpton and Sheen visited Cindy Sheehan on Saturday, so Cindy got a bump in coverage on Sunday. The duelling demonstrations in Crawford also got coverage.

All in all, she's becoming institutionalized as a contraction. You could say "those who oppose the war for old and disproved reasons," but it's just easier to say "Peace Mom."

Aug. 28: 132 hits
Aug. 27: 96 hits
Aug. 26: 183 hits
Aug. 25: 220 hits
Aug. 24: 208 hits (She's back)
Aug. 23: 249 hits
Aug. 22: 202 hits
Aug. 21: 120 hits
Aug. 20: 103 hits
Aug. 19: 232 hits
Aug. 18: 306 hits
Aug. 17: 295 hits (Off to California)
Aug. 16: 215 hits
Aug. 15: 136 hits
Aug. 14: 93 hits
Aug. 13: 107 hits
Aug. 12: 167 hits
Aug. 11: 113 hits
Aug. 10: 46 hits
Aug. 09: 32 hits
Aug. 08: 36 hits
Aug. 07: 39 hits
Aug. 06: 7 hits (6 AP, 1 CBS, natch)
Aug. 05: 3 hits (all Dallas Morning News, pre-arrival)
Aug. 04: 0 hits

And here's an update in the Sheehan/Roberts comparo:

Aug. 26 -- Sheehan: 132 ...... Roberts: 36

Note: Nexis does not provide a complete count. Video Monitoring Service had tracked over 20,000 Sheehan mentionsby Aug. 17. Nexis is, however, a good indicator of how heaviliy the media is covering a story, and it focuses more on larger papers and network shows that more people read and view. CBS News hits deleted from Sheehan/Roberts count because they mention correspondent John Roberts, not the Supreme Court nominee.
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