Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Senator 9/10 Vs. Senator 9/11

Chuckie (Sept. 10) Schumer went up against Mitch (Sept. 11) McConnell on Fox News Sunday, and America got to see, once again, they dangerous hypocrisy of the Dems. They truly are more interested in scoring points than protecting our country.

Schhumer begins by saying he's all for an investigation of who leaked the NSA story, but:
[L]et's not prejudge. Was this somebody who had an ill purpose, trying to hurt the United States, or might it have been someone in the department who felt that this was wrong, legally wrong, that the law was being violated, went to the higher-ups, they did nothing — now it's clear that Mr. Comey and others, serious people who are hardly left-wing ideologues, had doubts about the program — and then, in exasperation, went to the media?
Wallace -- who clearly has the best Sunday news show and can smell blood in the water -- jumps in:
Senator Schumer, you're certainly not going to say exasperation is an excuse for leaking classified information.
Schumer attempts a backpeddal, then plows on with classic Demspeak:
To simply divert this whole thing to just looking at the leaker, and saying everything else was fine, is typical of this administration. Instead of examining a problem and saying maybe there's a problem, let's come together and reason on it, they try to divert attention and blame somebody. And that, while it should be pursued, is not the main issue here.
To the Dems, the problem simply isn't security, it's process; more specifically, Republican process. They don't like the way the Titanic deck chairs are arranged, and they want to study that instead of looking for icebergs.

McConnell then stepped in to hoist Schumer on his hypocritical petard:
Chris, can I just make one more quick point? I mean, this is selective outrage here. The Democrats, of course, were completely outraged in the Valerie Plame case that allegedly a classified matter was leaked. And here — you know, the national security was not endangered in that situation.

But here, where clearly we're talking about intercepts with people who are communicating internationally and potentially plotting another 9/11, they don't have apparently the same kind of outrage.
No, they don't. And the Dems will have a hard time convincing Americans that Plame matters but NSA doesn't. Their Bush psychosis has trapped them into defending liars who don't like Bush instead of defending America.

What a lost, lost party.