Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Hills Are Alive With The Sounds Of "Gotcha!"

Mark Steyn's got a great column on Ahnold, Ganz and his letter terminating the effort to rename his hometown stadium after Tookie Williams. There's a fun little song ...

Green Party poseurs
And posturing mayors
Renaming stadia
For multiple slayers ...
... and gleeful pokes at EU nonsensibilities ...
With one typewritten sheet, he's ended the whole damn backlash, and usefully offered a good basic template for U.S.-EU relations that recognizes the basic differences between the two: Americans have responsibilities, Europeans have attitudes. Indeed, the EU has attitudes in inverse proportion to its ability to act on them. It's able to strut and preen on the world stage secure in the knowledge that nobody expects it to do anything about anything. If entire nations want to embrace self-congratulatory holier-than-thou gesture politics as a way of life, why not give them a hand?
It's Steyn, guys. It goes without saying: Read the whole thing.

h/t RCP