Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

Those peace-loving Muslims in Indonesia have struck again, bombing a Christian market in Palu, where Muslims have been busy beheading and murdering Christians for some time.

Reuters, true to form, can't report reality. After mentioning that storekeepers in the market were (Oh. My. God.) selling pork, the news service says of the bombing, "But it appeared to be linked to regional tensions, not international Islamic militancy." If that's the case, one wonders why Reuters goes on to report "that security was being tightened, especially in places of worship."

I can only read that to mean Reuters is differentiating between regional Islamic militancy and international Islamic militancy, a nuance that is surely lost on the families of seven who died in the blast.

"Oh, good. Our children weren't killed by international Muslim terrorists! That's a relief!"

In early Christianity, it was quickly understood that religious differences in food preparation should not get in the way of faith -- that Christians should adapt to the food preferences of their hosts in order to minimize barriers to the Gospel.

In Islam, apparently the lesson is to kill those with different customs regarding food, in order to minimize the number of non-Muslims.