Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Mahmoud The Confused

The president of Iran, "I'm in a bad Mahmoud" Ahmadinejad, has gone off on the Jews again in a logic-twister of a rant Fox News picked up from Islamic Republic [Ha!] News.

First, Ahmadinejad said Europe created Israel in order to complete the holocaust (the historic reality of which he denies):
"Don't you think that continuation of genocide by expelling Jews from Europe was one of their aims in creating a regime of occupiers of Al-Quds (Jerusalem)? Isn't that an important question?"
If it is an important question (but it's not), then I suppose we ought to understand it. Ahmadinejad appears to believe Europe "expelled" the Jews to Israel so the Arabs would finish them off. Of course, Europe didn't expell the Jews; they went to Israel or stayed where the were, depending on how they felt. There was nothing forced.

And of course, the Arabs didn't finish them off. Israel continues to thrive as a capitalistic democracy in a region of socialist or fascist dictatorships.

Ahmadinejad then does one of his classic logic pretzels: Europe sent the Jews to Israel so the Arabs could exterminate them, right? But:
He said the [Jewish] camp, Israel, now enjoyed support from the United States and Europe in the slaughter of Muslims.
Which is it, Mahmoud? Are we using the Arabs to kill the Jews or the Jews to kill the Arabs?

Oh, I see. The answer is that the Iranians have elected themselves one crazy coot as president.