Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday Reading

The Watcher has posted this week's nominees from the Watcher's Council, and as usual it looks like there's some seriously mind-expanding reading ahead. Council members will post their picks Thursday, and you'll see the winners here Friday morning.

Council links:

  1. Isolationism Watch: Let's Alienate Turkey!
    The Glittering Eye
  2. Headlines Vs. Content
    Rhymes With Right
  3. Carrolling
    Done With Mirrors
  4. Catch 'Em Being Good
    Bookworm Room
  5. Private Anti-terror Efforts
    Soccer Dad
  6. Retired General Sanchez Blasts Press -- No One Reports It, Natch!
    ‘Okie’ on the Lam
  7. NY Times, Al Gore and the "Stolen" 2000 Election
    The Colossus of Rhodey
  8. The Shia Awaken
    Big Lizards
  9. Wankerette of the Day: Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle
    The Education Wonks
  10. Texas Gang Rape and Murder Case Puts America's Sovereignty In Jeopardy
  11. Congratulations Al Gore
    Right Wing Nut House
  12. Gore Derangement Syndrome?
    Cheat Seeking Missiles
Non-council links:
  1. The Problems and Course of Rebuilding in Iraq
    Dumb Looks Still Free
  2. A Thought Experiment for Civil Libertarians
    Atlas Blogged
  3. Comment
    Three Rounds Brisk...
  4. When Heidi Met Mehmet in the Meadow
    The Brussels Journal
  5. October 15: 4th Anniversary of the Murder of 3 Americans By Palestinian Terrorists
    Daled Amos
  6. Best Red State Update Yet
  7. Timeline of the Amazing Disappearing Blog Posts and Comments at the L.A. Times
    Patterico's Pontifications
  8. OK, This... Has... Got... To... Stop...
  9. Wounded Warrior Reform: Conference Call
    Captain's Quarters
  10. MSM Bias and Pallywood: Incompetence or Malice?
  11. Classical Liberalism Is for Kooks!
    Classical Values
  12. FLARE-UP!... Turmoil At the Islamo-Marxist Summit in Tehran
    Gateway Pundit
  13. Will the Left Dominate the 'New Economy'?
  14. The Nazi Hunter By Alan Elsner
Do you want one of your links posted here? Two options: You can send me cash and I'll nominate you, or you can pursue the rules of Watcher's offer of link whorage, which will really get you there.

