Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Savannah Episcopalians Split Over Gays

At breakfast this morning Savannah's The Olde Harbour Inn, I was joined by a couple from Connecticut who had just returned from the early service at Christ's Church. Built in 1733, the Episcopal church is the oldest in Georgia.

When I asked how the service was, they looked troubled and upset. It turns out that on this very Sunday the church announced that it, like many other Episcopal churches, had split off to join with the Ugandan Episcopal church in order to avoid the American church's fondness for gay priests and gay marriage.

My breakfast-mates were not happy; they're of the school that Christ told us to love everyone.

"We're having a vote next week on the church's mission," the gentlemanly husband of the couple told me. Then, with a smile, "It's not going to be controversial." The more liberal New Englanders won't be following the more conservative Southerners on this one.

(What's funny is that last night while Incredible Wife and I were waiting for the start of a walking tour, we were sitting in Johnson Square, next to Christ's Church, and talking about the Episcopalian's split -- unknowing that it would split a bit more asunder the very next morning.

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