Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wednesday Reading

Clean your specs, pour your coffee and settle down for some good reading because the Watcher of Weasels has posted this week's Watcher's Council selection of some of the best, most important writing to be found in the blogosphere:

Council links:

  1. The Chinese Sphere of Influence
    The Glittering Eye
  2. The Unraveling Narrative
    Soccer Dad
  3. Pelosi On Anti-Christian Poster for S-M Fest
    Rhymes With Right
  4. Carrots, Sticks, Poisoned Apples
    Done With Mirrors
  5. Reporter-God Sy Hersh's Dixie Chick Moment
    Cheat Seeking Missiles
  6. Oh No! Dearth of Gays on Network Tube!
    The Colossus of Rhodey
  7. Gratefully Not Dead: Iraq Civilian and US Military Deaths Plummet
    Big Lizards
  8. Ward and June Cleaver Revisited
    Bookworm Room
  9. What Ahmadinejad Was 100% Right About
  10. Can American Culture Survive the Constant MSM Onslaught?
    ‘Okie’ on the Lam
  11. Boondoggle Chronicles: Public Housing for the Affluent
    The Education Wonks
  12. Man Without a Party
    Right Wing Nut House
Non-council links:
  1. Shiite Militias vs. al Qaeda Terrorists in Iraq
    Back Talk
  2. Keeping the Memory of Shiri Negari Alive
    Michelle Malkin
  3. Safe Abortions?
    Blogs for Bush
  4. Goodbye AHA
    Spinning Clio: Where History and Politics Meet
  5. Our Dead Are Our Fault
    National Review Online
  6. NYC anti-Ahmadinejad Protests
    Kesher Talk
  7. Fake War Hero Tom Harkin Smears Rush Limbaugh
    Michelle Malkin (2)
  8. The Hollywood Surge Is Failing
    Seraphic Secret
  9. Traitors and Liberals
    Israel Matzav
  10. That's Propa-tainment!
    Pajamas Media
  11. Hillary 1993: Nationalize Health Care Through the Kids
    Captain's Quarters
  12. Democrats and Board Games
  13. The Last of Zimbawe's White Farmers Are Forced Off Their Land Today
    Say Anything
  14. Conservative Party Conference... 07
The Council will vote Thursday and winners will be posted here Friday (if I'm posting ... I'll be on vacation).

