Wednesday Reading

This week I submitted a little bit of modern day Shakespeare, Lt. Col. Steele's Tragedy, a tragedy about the fall of a man brought on by his fatal weakness.
For an outstanding post by a non-Council member, I selected something a bit different. Hardly a fine piece of writing, the Victory Council's The House Emergency Supplemental: Micro-managing the War, merited a nomination in my mind because of the public service it provided -- a bookmarked edition of the House Iraq war appropriations bill designed to highlight its pork, deadline requirements and other elements that made it so worthy of a veto.
Here are the Watcher's Council links:
- Forlorn Hope, The Glittering Eye
- Working: A Midweek Rumination, Eternity Road
- Voter Fraud? Not a big deal!, The Colossus of Rhodey
- After Iraq, Done With Mirrors
- Wonkitorial: The Latest From Babylon, D.C., The Education Wonks
- A New New Europe?, Soccer Dad
- Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, Bookworm Room
- Lt. Col. Steele's Tragedy, Cheat Seeking Missiles
- Changing Times Demand Telling the Truth in Wartime, Right Wing Nut House
- "And Why the Sea Is Boiling Hot, and Whether Pigs Have Wings", Big Lizards
- Zero Tolerance Goes Way Too Far, Rhymes With Right
- Giuliani on Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Terrorism, Joshuapundit
- COIN: The Gravity Well, Blackfive
- God Called, Laurie Kendrick (I almost nominated this one myself and liked it so much I did a post on it.)
- To Fight or Not To Fight?, Intellectual Conservative
- A Failure In Generalship, Armed Forces Journal
- Speak No Truth, La Shawn Barber's Corner
- Anytown, USA, In Context
- Karen Armstrong reviews Spencer's The Truth About Muhammad!, Jihad Watch
- The House Emergency Supplemental: Micro-managing the War, The Victory Caucus
- Meet the Iraqi Police in Kirkuk, Michael J. Totten (I think this is the second chapter of the post I nominated last week, which came in second in the voting.)
- Mitt and Osama, Hugh Hewitt
- Turkish Believers Satanically Tortured for Hours Before Being Killed, (I'm interested in reading this since I also posted on this outrage.)
- Jihad Destroys the Swedish Model, FrontPage Magazine
- Another Voice Sounds Off About the "Debate" and the Surge, Dr. Sanity
- 18DS Video on Arms Trade, Dodgeblogium
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