Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A "Gay Mafia" At The NYTimes -- And Beyond

Women's Wear Daily knows a thing or two about gay men, dahling, so it gaily reported on a story in Out that alluded to a "gay mafia" at the NY Times:
Does a scattershot list of gay Timesmen a mafia make? According to Out magazine's media-heavy Power 50 list, which ranked several New York Times reporters a collective seventh on the list, it does, even if many of its made men don't actually know each other. "Yes, there really is a queer cabal in the Eastern elite media, and it works on West 43rd Street in New York City," reads the accompanying text
Those outed (I won't use their names) include the editor of T magazine, an assistant managing editor, a national correspondent, the advertising columnist, a style reporter a theater critic and a restaurant critic.

A theater or restaurant critic doesn't have much influence over how the gay agenda is presented, but a national reporter, an assistant managing editor and a magazine editor certainly do. Out certainly thinks so:
As for the use of the 'M' word related to the assorted journalists, Aaron Hicklin, editor of Out, told WWD: "The Times still has an old-fashioned power that I think the Web has tried to replace but been less successful at. It's still a cultural arbiter….Should we have used the word mafia? Only inasmuch as mafia is shorthand for people whose combined weight is fearsome." And according to Out, these Timesmen are "one group you don't want to run into in a dark alley."
Agreed on that last point, for sure. Fortunately, Elliot suggests a defense:
"What are we going to do?" wondered Elliot. "Beat them with the Sunday Times?"
So much has been written over the years about gay teachers and their ability to influence (or, more sinisterly, corrupt or even abuse) the next generation, but little has been made of gays in the media, and the potential they have to position the gay agenda as mainstream.

Perhaps we should. Look at who's who in the top ten of Out's Power 50. People who worry about Jewish control of the media are whacked; people who ponder gay influence and control have reasons to be concerned. (All copy below is from Out except for my comments in brackets.)
1 David Geffen
What does $4 billion-plus buy for a Hollywood entertainment powerhouse? Your name on UCLA’s medical school; great American art (Pollock, de Kooning, Johns); and headline-making influence over Democratic presidential politics: When Geffen supported and later dissed Hillary earlier this year, the fur flew between the candidates’ camps. “If you’re his enemy, you might as well kill yourself,” Howard Rosenman once told The New York Times. And to think it all began in the William Morris Agency mailroom. [Note: Geffen has not given up on plans to acquire the LA Times.]

2 Anderson Cooper
Anointed an “emo-anchor” by The New York Observer for his coverage of Hurricane Katrina, the rise of Anderson Cooper heralded the simultaneous demise of the Dan Rather-Tom Brokaw era of dry efficiency. Despite an unfortunate side trip into reality TV in 2001 as host of ABC’s late, unlamented The Mole, his instincts have served him well: His annual salary at CNN was reportedly doubled this year, from $2 million to $4 million.

3 Ellen DeGeneres
With over 2.4 million viewers on a daily basis, The Ellen DeGeneres Show is an essential stop for any celebrity peddling their wares, and her breakthrough gig at the Oscars only elevated her Hollywood stature. The fact that seemingly everyone loves an out-and-proud lesbian makes her powerful—that and the $65 million she’s reportedly worth. [Lately, DeGeneres has played down her sexuality and appears a very different woman than she was in earlier days ... but things can change.]

4 Tim Gill
Gill is the country’s biggest gay political donor and “the nexus of an aggressive new force in national politics,” according to a major story in The Atlantic. After founding and making his fortune at publishing software giant Quark, Gill moved on to philanthropy; in January he launched the Gill Action Fund. His guiding strategy: Giving to many key local and state candidates is more cost-effective than large donations to a few national candidates. [Gill has donated over $100 million to LGBT causes, and is a big Dem campaign contributor. The foundation is headed by a former Log Cabin republican, however.]

5 Barney Frank
When the Democrats took over control of the House and Senate this year, the outspoken, popular, and frequently quoted Massachusetts Democratic congressman assumed chairmanship of the House Committee on Financial Services. [I'm sure Frank is very popular with Out's readers, but I can't say that I share the feeling.]

6 Rosie O’Donnell
The View is much better since O’Donnell took over as moderator last fall. Her opinionated stances and battles with the Donald have fanned a huge ratings rise. Plus, her R Family Vacations have elevated the world of gay travel. [The View is much better? Yeah, and Bush blew up the WTC.]

7 The New York Times Gay Mafia Richard Berke, Ben Brantley, Frank Bruni, Stuart Elliot, Adam Nagourney, Stefano Tonchi, Eric Wilson
Yes, there really is a queer cabal in the Eastern elite media, and it works on West 43rd Street in New York City. Style editor Tonchi, style reporter Wilson, assistant managing editor Berke, national correspondent Nagourney, and advertising columnist Elliot can set agendas in their areas of expertise. In the case of restaurant critic Bruni and theater critic Brantley, the fate of fledgling enterprises rests in their hands. This is one group you don’t want to run into in a dark alley.

8 Marc Jacobs
One of the most recognizable names in fashion, Jacobs helms his own label and is also artistic director for Louis Vuitton. His empire extends beyond clothing (including his acclaimed spring shows in New York, London, and Paris) with new fragrances for Coty, home decor for Waterford, and watches. For his opulent holiday ball last December, he arrived disguised as a pigeon. [Wow, a pigeon.]

9 Andrew Tobias
He’s not just a personal finance guru (The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need) and memoirist (The Best Little Boy in the World), he’s the treasurer of the Democratic National Committee and a major fund-raiser for the party. [Repeating, the treasurer of the DNC.]

10 Brian Graden
As president of entertainment for MTV Networks’ music channels, Graden oversees the programming on those arbiters of youth culture MTV, CMT, MTV2, and VH1. Since taking the reins at MTV in 1997, MTV has been the number 1 basic-cable network in the advertiser-coveted age 12-24 demographic, and after adding VH1 to his responsibilities in 2002, ratings have risen there an astonishing 95%. He championed the ever-expanding Logo—now in over 26 million homes—and serves as its president as well. [Woe, woe, ye of the next generation!]
Homophobe disclaimer: This article is about the gay agenda, not gays. Some of my best friends are gays. Really. All of these folks have every right to their jobs, but we also have the right to ponder the consequences of having pro-gay agenda powerhouses like these in positions that afford them so much opportunity to move that agenda throughout society.

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