So, Who's Treating The Gay Porn Star Badly?

Then, after Sanchez addressed CPAC and had his picture taken with Ann Coulter of "faggot" fame, he was outed by the Libs. Over a decade ago Sanchez was an actor in gay porn films for short period of time, and the Libs couldn't get enough of it. Sanchez writes today in Salon:
It was cold on Tuesday morning in Manhattan, and I was late for classes. I was a bit groggy from studying for my midterms and working full time at a marketing firm where I'd just made partner. I don't drink coffee, and in my morning haze, I didn't notice the messages piling up on my BlackBerry. Once I looked, I realized there was a lot of hate mail mixed in with the spam.The Libs defend porn, love porn, because it's so anti. They think gay is no different than straight morally and had their claws and fangs out for Coulter for saying something discriminatory about their rainbow buddies.
So why the hate mail for Sanchez? Because it's OK to hate conservatives, even gay former porn star conservatives. All rules of inclusion and acceptance are trumped by the chance to attack a conservative -- just think of how they've used Mary Cheney instead of accepting her.
And how did the conservatives treat Sanchez?
I am embarrassed to admit that was I worried that my fellow conservatives would distance themselves from me when the news about my film career broke. The opposite has happened. I've been asked to give my point of view, invited to speak at various functions, and invited back on television. My peers on the right have gone out of their way to give me a vote of confidence and avoid a rush to judgment.I feel sorry for old-school Libs who really believe in acceptance and being good from the heart. I understand there are a few of them left. They must be appalled by the behavior of those who represent the Left so loudly and hatefully today.
Labels: Conservative, Coulter, Liberal, Matt Sanchez
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