Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Crumbling Civilization Update: Wren Chapel Cross

An acceptable alternative title for this post is "Cross-hating money-loving academics behaving stupidly," because that's exactly what the "compromise" solution to William & Mary U's cross problem is: Academics finding a pathetically inept compromise to something that shouldn't be a problem to begin with.

Background: As I posted earlier, the prez of Wm & Mary, Gene Nichol (that's him in the photo), fell apart when one Jewish student complained about the cross atop the college's Wren Chapel. The college was founded by the Anglican Church, so this shouldn't have come as a surprise to the hypersensitive Jew; nonetheless, the religion of the academic left is "thou shalt not offend," so Nichol ordered the cross down ... thus offending many, many more.

Among those most offended: Alums with money who announced that Wm & Mary could forget their gifts -- including one for $12 million -- until the cross was put back.

Yesterday, the mighty minds of academia proudly announced their "compromise solution" to the problem. WashTimes:

The 14-member committee, co-chaired by religion professor James Livingston and law professor Alan Meese, issued its unanimous recommendation earlier than its deadline of the Board of Visitors meeting next month.

The 18-inch brass cross will be returned for permanent display in a glass case at the chapel "in a prominent, readily visible place," the recommendation states.

The committee calls for a plaque explaining the 313-year-old public school's Anglican heritage and connection to Williamsburg's historic Bruton Parish, which donated the cross in 1940.

The recommendation, billed as a compromise, stipulates that the chapel "be available to house sacred objects of any religious tradition for use of worship and devotion by members of the college community."

It took 14 academics to come up with this?! I wonder how many it takes to screw in a lightbulb.

The cross used to stand proudly atop the chapel, proclaiming Christ's glory under God for all to see. Now it is relegated to a glass case inside the chapel, as if it were a quaint relic of older times and not the proud symbol of a mighty and righteous religion.

The professors are cowering under the blanket of multiculturalism while the chapel was built, and the cross donated, as a proclamation of one religion. Their "solution" sullies the spirit of the gift, the cross and the faith of the school's founders.

Those of other religions need not take offense. They know they are in a country that is predominently Christian, one that allows their freedom of religion with great commitment and long history. They need not be afraid, embarrassed or intimidated.

Some, like the pathetic student who initiated this battle, will want to pick a fight. If they do, we should fight back with honor, decency and deep conviction -- but from Nichols and his faculty, there is only cowering and snivelling and grubbing for money.

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