Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dems Give Jihadists A Big Loophole

Boxer, Dean et. al. don't think its kosher to eavesdrop on someone here in the US just because he's getting a buzz from a known terrorist in Pakistan. Fair enough. After all, Boxer, Dean et. al. are morally superior, right?

But they haven't thought of the loophole Mark Steyn craftily spotted:
The practical effect of the Dems' approach is to extend the protections of the U.S. Constitution to any dodgy character anywhere on the planet who has a U.S. telephone number in his Rolodex. Indeed, given that perfectly ordinary cell phones can be used almost anywhere -- this week, I spoke to an American in London by dialing his Washington cell number -- if the Democrats have their way, all terrorist cells in Europe or Pakistan would have to do to put themselves beyond the reach of U.S. intelligence is get a New Jersey-based associate to place a bulk order for Verizon cell phones.
The Dems are rallying around another loser issue, convinced they're right because they believe what they read in the papers.