Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, January 07, 2006

DeLay's Resignation Letter

Here is the text of Tom DeLay's resignation letter, courtesy of Fox News:

Dear Mr. Speaker,

I am writing to inform you of my decision to permanently step aside as majority leader, and of my belief that the best interests of the conference would be served by the election of a new leader as soon as possible.

The job of majority leader and the mandate of the Republican majority are too important to be hamstrung, even for a few months, by personal distractions.

I will continue to serve my constituents and seek re-election to a 12th term representing Texas' 22nd district while I work to clear my name of the baseless charges leveled against me. I will also be reclaiming my seat on the Appropriations Committee when the second session of the 109th Congress convenes later this month.

Tom DeLay

Putting the party first -- good call, Tom.
