Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 06, 2006


With Judge Samuel Alito's hearings scheduled to start Monday, the Dems are in a quandry.

They've tried to rally opposition using abortion, but have been greeted by a collective national yawn. Racism? Ethical lapses? They're hooking nothing, and since their line is short and their lure has no alure, it looks like they'll cast for the closest target available: NSA and warrantless (as opposed to unwarranted) electronic eavesdropping.

WashTimes reports:
Democrats yesterday said that if Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. wants to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, he must explain his past support for broad presidential power and whether he would allow warrantless wiretapping of the kind practiced in a recently disclosed NSA program.
Sweet. Are the Dems really thinking that filibustering Alito over the rights of would-be enemy combatants on our shore is going to win them votes in 2006?

The case law is on Alito's side, the public opinion is on Alito's side. Schumer, Kennedy et. al. are on the other side. It's getting to be that "democratic strategist" is an oxymoron.