Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pink Flamingos At SCOTUS?

WashTimes has a good article on Judge Alito's character (open, but conservative) and humor (warm and goofy), including this:
Such was the case when a judge whose chambers are next door to Judge Alito's in the old court house in Newark, N.J., engaged in some extensive redecorating a few years ago.

As a finishing touch, the judge had placed "what looked like a pair of fake stone lions in the hallway just outside the doorway to her chambers," said Mr. Smith, declining to identify the judge who apparently then became the target of a bit of Judge Alito's dry humor.

"Shortly after that in front of the entry way to Judge Alito's chambers appeared two pink plastic lawn flamingos with their legs stuck into two box lids to keep them upright," said Mr. Smith.
The article includes quotes from former Alito clerk Susan Sullivan, who describes herself as a liberal Democrat who is a pro-choice, feminist supporter of gun control and gay marriage and an opponent of the death penalty.

Sullivan says Alito approached every case in the same manner -- full review and open discussion, not with a predetermined political perspective. Combined with Alito's commitment to strict constructionalism, that appears to be the making of a fine Supreme Court justice.