Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Criticism Of Syria From Within

In a stellar bit of the pot calling the kettle black, Syria's vice president, Abdul Halim Khaddam, has laid into Bashar Assad in a big way.

Khaddam is likely guilty of everything he's accusing Asaad of, but it's still juicy:

"The traitor is the one who causes damage to the country and to the people. Bashar Assad has taken serious decisions and brought serious damage to Syria," he told CNN this weekend. "One of those decisions was to have the Lebanese presidency extended for President Lahoud and that led to the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri.

"It also led to the humiliating pullout of Syrian forces from Lebanon and brought about a split in relations between Syria and Lebanon, and also led to Syria's isolation in the Arab world and internationally. The one who caused all of this is Bashar Assad. So, he is the traitor."

The Jerusalem Post says Khaddam's comments have stirred emotions in Syria -- against corruption, against poverty and against Khaddam:

For most, the Khaddam interviews simply verify what they already knew, and they don't excuse Khaddam for his role in it.

"Is it really such a surprise that Khaddam talked about the government taking money?" asked Ahmad, a taxi driver in Damascus. "He took money! How could he afford such a palace in Paris if he wasn't part of the same corruption that he was speaking about?"

Imagine that ... the Arab street angry at an Arab government! Granted, a lot of those who are angry are angry at Khaddam for badrapping Assad and degrading Syria, but I don't recall these sort of debates in Syria before Bush's second inaugural, and it's cry for freedom.