Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Iran Blows Off IAEA

Rather than face the regulators at the International Atomic Energy Agency on Friday to explain their nuclear R&D program, the Iranians opted to simply blow off the meeting and not show up.

The IAEA appears to be the only entity on the planned still considers that Iran's nuclear ambitions are for electrical power instead of political power. It has allowed itself to be bullied, it has missed evidence, ignored other evidence and failed to bring sanctions against the Iranians.

Here's the latest statement on the position of IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei:
"However, he continues to call on Iran to take the steps the IAEA requires to resolve outstanding issues regarding the nature of Iran's nuclear program.

"In the meantime, Dr. ElBaradei also calls on Iran to take voluntary measures to build confidence, and enable the resumption of dialogue with all concerned parties."
With Iran's 20 years of aggressive and single-minded focus on the acquisition of a nuclear bomb, ElBaradei is just blowing air. It's time for the UN Security Council to impose harsh sanctions and quick ultimatums.

If the UN can't do that, why should it be allowed to continue to exist.

h/t Talk Show America