Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 02, 2005

Murtha: US Army "Broken"

Stampede alert!

Watch out for packs of retreating Dems, tails between their legs, who just last week were cozying up to Bob Murtha, and now can't get far enough away from him.

It's one thing to attack a president or a defense secretary ... but attack the U.S. Army in the middle of Army/Navy week? Here's Murtha, quoted in WashTimes:
Rep. John P. Murtha is continuing his assault on the Bush administration's Iraq war policy, asserting this week that the U.S. Army is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth. ... You cannot win this thing militarily."
An aide later backed away from the statement, saying Murtha was talking about recruitment being down. Gee, that sounds like revisionist history to me.

But we've been seeing a lot of that lately.