Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 02, 2005

MSM Cooling To Global Warming?

Enviro-activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. asks a significant question on HuffPost:
H.L. Mencken observed that "a journalist is someone who can't distinguish the end of civilization from a bicycle accident." Yesterday, scientists revealed that global warming has disrupted and slowed the ocean conveyor belt that carries the warm currents that have allowed the cultivation and growth of civilization in northern Europe and elsewhere.

So why was this vitally important story relegated to page 8 of the New York Times, page 20 of the Los Angeles Times, and dumped on the newsroom floor elsewhere?
It could be that the media is beginning to cool to the global warming story -- it's getting old, it's been reported before, there's nothing new.

I doubt it. MSM want to keep the global warming story alive because to let it die would be handing a victory to Bush and others who don't buy either the premise, the findings, the conclusions of the story. And they don't want to do that.

They didn't cover this story simply because it does more to discourage belief in global warming than encourage it, because the story says, basically, that global warming will lead to a cooler Europe.

Stories of this sort tend to lead to scoffing, and reporters don't like people scoffing at their sacred cows. And if readers were to read on, they would scoff a lot:
  • Researchers looked at only five of the last 50 years, so believing their findings would require an incredible stretch.
  • They looked at five sections of the ocean -- a drop in the bucket.
  • Even the greenie NYT has to couch the story in a slew of if's and could's.
  • We're used to changes in ocean currents; they're called el nino here in California and they've been happending long before scientists discovered they could get big grants to study global warming.
Note how Kennedy terms the story as one that "reveals global warming has," as opposed to "theorizes that global warming may.

That may be why Kennedy is one of the only ones hyperventilating over this story. Careful, Bobby, you're spewing carbon monoxide into the atmosphere!