Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I've Adopted A Detainee

Dear Mr. Zarqawi:

I am writing you on behalf of Tom Fox, the Christian Peacemaker Team member held illegally by your brutal and repressive terrorist forces in Iraq.

You have lied continuously about the reasons for this illegal war you are waging, and you are waging it in defiance of the UN, world opinion and the will of the people whose nation you and your foreign forces are occupying. You are deliberately murdering civilians in violation of the Geneva Conventions, and your guys don't wear uniforms, either.

Mr. Fox and his colleagues are being illegally and cruelly held in an unknown facility that is not available to the Red Cross (or Red Crescent!) to inspect, and we can only assume that conditions there are deplorable. I am worried that Mr. Fox does not have access to a Bible, or that your forces may be handling the Bible with disrespect. I am worried that you are not allowing Mr. Fox to have a Christmas tree in his cell. I am worried that your terrorist troops may treat Mr. Fox like dozens of other illegally held detainees who have been beheaded by your Allah Akbar! shouting goons.

I demand that you either charge Mr. Fox with a crime and transfer him to legitimate authorities for trial, or release him.


There. That should do it. With this letter, I'm following the lead of Christian Peacemakers, which for 18 months operated an Adopt a Detainee/Iraq program, of which it said:
The Adopt-a-Detainee Letter-Writing Campaign, beginning in March 2004, matched individual detainees with congregations, mosques, synagogues, and peace groups in North America and around the world. These groups wrote letters to U.S., Iraqi and other relevant officials on the detainees' behalf.
I'm worried that Mr. Zarqawi won't pay much attention to my request. And that is a shame. Mr. Fox, although sadly misled, is a husband and father*, and does not deserve to die at the hands of the thugs he should be fighting, not defending.

* I mean that. I really am worried for this man and the others. Here's a post from Fox's daughter that is quite moving and troubling. Please hold this man up in your prayers.
I love my father. I am so thankful to have been raised by such a loving, honest, gentle man who continues to teach me the importance of living by my principles. In pictures, in video, my dad looks so tired right now. So very tired. I do not care to imagine. I struggle to even find the space to experience my own emotions. I will continue to hold him and everyone that he is with in the Light and pray for a peaceful resolution.
h/t Opinion Journal