Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

PC Writing In Washington Times?

In an otherwise intersting story in today's WashTimes about how French pols are falling all over themselves to appear tough on terrorism and immigration, we find this passage:
Also yesterday, France's lower house of parliament overwhelmingly approved a new anti-terrorism bill that would increase the use of video surveillance .... The bill would allow mosques, department stores and other potential targets to install surveillance cameras and would lengthen prison terms for terrorists and those supporting them.
Mosques?! There was one incident of attempted arson of a mosque by ticked off Frenchmen during the riots, but numerous cases of successful arsons against Christian churches by the Muslim rioters.

France should just allow surveillance, period, because any excluded category of property would become the next target of rioters. By narrowing the scope of the law, the French are showing that they remain in denial about what's going on in their country.