Ahnold 's Tookie Primer

Let's hope he reads Debra Saunder's commmentary in RCP. Some highlights:
The charge that Williams was tried by an all white jury?
"In the clemency petition," Saunders writes, "Williams' latest set of lawyers argued that prosecutor Robert Martin had kicked all African Americans off the jury. When prosecutors produced a death certificate that showed that juror William McLurkin was black, the lawyers noted in a reply that it doesn't matter if McLurkin was black or part-black, because he 'looked Filipino.'"How about diminished capacity? Well, that hardly jibe with all the hoopla about what a wonderful jailhouse philosopher and author he is.
What about his claim that he's not guilty?
The not-guilty-of-murder quote flies in the face of the clemency petition's "atonement" claim. To wit: Williams "has accepted responsibility, repented and done whatever he could, from where he is, to atone."Some other good points from Saunders:
The not-all-white jury convicted Williams after his alibi defense crumbled. Also, jurors had learned of Williams' plans for an armed escape from jail. The jury foreman testified that when the guilty verdict was announced, Williams mouthed this threat to the panel: "I'm going to get each and every one of you mother--."Williams is the poster child for why we need a death penalty. He's also the poster child for abuse of the court system. He should not be alive 13 days from now.
Williams' lawyers also say the clemency petition only asks for life without parole. That is technically true -- and entirely misleading, considering Williams' many claims to MSNBC's Cosby that he is "innocent," and that "being able to live, it would allow me to prove my innocence." That can only mean one thing: That after the execution is stayed, Williams will spend years filing more appeals. He won't be satisfied with a life behind bars. He wants out.
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