Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Jazzing Up Al-Jaz

Here's a bit of revisionism; unfortunately, it's being fed as truth to the people of Pakistan via the Pakistan Times:
We know that the Bush administration does not like Al Jazeera; we also know that the dislike is a post-September 11 phenomenon. Prior to that date, Al Jazeera was praised as the channel in the Arab world, indicating the openness so essential for the progress of the region. However, openness cuts both ways. So when Mr Bush embarked on his project to cleanse the world of terrorists, a task given him, by his own admission, by God Almighty, among the many things that fell foul of him was Al Jazeera. The network’s openness conflicted with the cloak-and-dagger stuff the Bush administration was doing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Consequently, Al Jazeera became Mr Bush’s bete noire instead of a beacon of light.
Al-Jaz was not held in high regard prior to 9/11; we'd seen its coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict, the Cole bombing and other news opportunities it used to inflame, not explain.

Then there's that task from God Almighty stuff, which has become nearly biblical (koranical?) in its acceptance.

And finally, Al-Jaz as light at US as dark?

And this is what our allies read!

h/t Watching America