Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Direct Hit

That's apparently our missile fragment, found in the blown-apart rubble of a house in which one of the top five al Qaeda leaders, Hamza "Rabid" Rabia, and four of his scurrilous ilk were blown into oblivion Thursday.

The MSNBC caption refers to the guys holding the fragment as "tribesmen," an indication of the remoteness of the mountainous region along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. How chilling it must be to the al Qaeda in this semi-primitive area that our CIA can guide a pilotless Predator aircraft to their hide-outs and fire laser-guided weapons right into their bedrooms.

Rabia certainly knew of our capabilities; while he escaped our last Predator hit on him, his wife and children did not. As I think of the thousands of American children growing up without a father or mother as a result of 9/11, I find satisfaction in the fact that Rabia had to live with their loss for a month before his death.

Ironically, the MSNBC report referred to the destroyed home as "a safehouse." Let there be no feeling of safeness for these guys ever again.