Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Howard Still Under The Radar

The Washington Times had a major piece today on the troubling Chinese assertion of power and influence in Latin America ... but the article failed to mention the pivotal Howard Air Force Base issue.

Later this week, on the Friday after Thanksgiving -- a quiet US news day if there ever was one -- the Panamanians will open four bids for control and operation of the mothballed US Howard Air Force Base. Bidding for an airfield in the Western Hemisphere is the Peoples Republic of China.

WashTimes presents an almost-comprehensive summary of why we should worry about China's wooing of Venezuaela, Panama, Brazil, Cuba and other strategic nations. Almost comprehensive. Still, no one's covering Howard.

There's another good summary of China in Latin America at Bill Rice's Dawns Early Light.

See also:
China Could Use Howard As Air Force Base
State Clueless On China's Plan To Bid On Panamanian Air Base
More On Commies At The Canal
China's Panama Grab Threatens US