Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, November 18, 2005

Is Iran Pushing For War With Iraq?

Iran's intention to destabilize Iraq has never been more clear than with today's suicide bombings in two Shiite mosques near the Iranian border. It also underscores the inherent instability of modern Islam, which undermines its ability to deal with terrorism.

With 150 dead and wounded for no reason other than they were at Friday prayers, it's clear Iran and its Sunni allies in Iraq are seeking destabilization on the eve of elections.

If things go as they plan, there will be Shiite rage and retribution that the Sunnis can then use to encourage Iraqi Sunnis to boycott the vote, so they can claim the resulting government is nonrepresentative.

Iran realizes that a successful Iraqi democracy is a threat to Iran's Islamo-totalitarian style of government, just as it realizes that the new Iraqi government will be instable in its early years. Seeing growing indications that America may cut and run, they may be laying the groundwork for a second Iran/Iraq war upon the departure of US troops.

Dems, since they are not too good at remembering history, may want to try looking ahead. If they do, they'll see there's plenty of reason to not leave Iraq until it is strong and stable.

But they won't do that. They'll just look at this bombing as more evidence of Bush failure. Sigh.