Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oil For Food Question Of The Day

From today's UN press briefing:
Question: Thank you for arranging that briefing on Joe Stephanides. We learned some things that we didn’t know. One of them was that disclosing any public information to somebody involved in a bidding process is a breach of staff rules because it’s showing partiality towards them. As you know, in the Volcker report it talks about Wagaye Assebe, the Secretary-General’s personal assistant, providing information to Kojo Annan, the Secretary-General’s son. And originally the Volcker report said that Kojo Annan had said to the Commission that Ms. Assebe had been providing “inside information”. And we asked questions about that, and that was corrected in the last edition of the Volcker report and the reference to inside information was removed. But my understanding of her position is that the information she provided to him was publicly provided information. So my question is, given that that’s exactly what Mr. Stephanides has been punished for, is there now going to be some kind of action against Wagaye Assebe, the Secretary-General’s personal assistant, for providing public information to the Secretary-General’s son at the time of the bidding process?
Do you think that question just might have been from Claudia Rosett?

What's that? The answer? You want the UN's answer? OK:
Deputy Spokesman: No.