Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Stupid Enough To Be Boxer

Jane Harman is an LA-area Dem with aspirations for office higher than the US House of Representatives, where she now serves. She's pretty in a modern, professional way, rich, engaging, and stupid enough to be the next Barbara Boxer.

Here, from The Hill, is what she pronounces as sound policy on an Iraq exit strategy:

First, she wants Bush to make clear that U.S. policy is to leave Iraq completely because "our 60-year presence in Germany and our 50-year presence in Korea rightfully make people nervous that a half-century from now American Marines will be living on a base in downtown Baghdad."

Europe and Asia have benefitted mightily from our bases and the protection they offer, and there's no huge movement to remove them. If the Iraqi government, fairly representing the Iraqi people, wants a continuing military presence, I say take advantage of it. It's a good part of the world in which to have a base.

wants President Bush to say we have no designs on Iraq’s oil and should state that oil revenues belong to the people of Iraq and no one else.

Where has this woman been? This not only has been said, it's been proven by action. No one doubts it but people stupid enough to be the next Barbara Boxer, like Michael Moore and half the student bodies of American's universities.

Third, she wants an internationalized rebuilding effort.

Sure, let the French and Germans make green after our troops have bled red to give them the opportunity. If this woman had any courage at all, she'd be demanding more international effort in stabilizing Iraq, not rebuilding it. The rebuilding will come naturally as the country is stabilized by military action and democratization.

And, by the way, I hope Halliburton makes a bunch off of rebuilding. The company deserves it for taking the risk of providing logistical support during the war.

Fourth, she wants a full-time US diplomat tasked with ironing out the differences between the Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds.

Why? Because those ignorant Iraqis aren't capable of doing it themselves? What are you saying, Jane, that you have no faith in the Iraqi people?

The Iraqi people are doing a fine job in that regard as they move towards a national election for national representatives next month. US Ambassador
Zalmay Khalilzad has been doing a good job, as well. But if we have to throw Jane a bone, this is a fine one. I nominate her.

And finally, she wants us to accellerate the training of Iraqi troops so they can take over responsibility.

Where has this woman been? What does she think we've been doing?

For her to think this drivel is solid enough for an op/ed in The Hill, and for The Hill to think its solid enough to publish reminds me of a descriptor that once was quite popular in describing people like Harman: Nattering Nabobs of Negativity.

h/t RCP