Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, November 14, 2005

Aussie Jihadists Targeting Nuke

The 17 Islamofascists arrested by Aussie authorities last week were targeting Sydney's nuclear reactor.

Led by defiant anti-assimilationist Abu Bakr, who doesn't even have the decency to change his name to Baker, the team was scouting the site and apparently had cut a lock on one of its gates, says UK's News Telegraph.

The indictment of the group says they were the ones who bought chemicals used in the London July 7 bombs. They also had a bomb-making instructional videa called "Sheikh Osama's Training Course." And just to get them pumped up, there was a pep-talk video with the catchy title, "Are you ready to die?"

According to the document, Bakr told the group:

"If we want to die for jihad, we have to have maximum damage. Maximum damage. Damage their buildings, everything. Damage their lives."

If Australia hadn't passed a tough new anti-terror law, these guys could still be on the street. The cops would have been on their tails, trying to collect enough evidence to bust them ... before the Bakr Boys got into the nuke with their bombs.