Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Chirac's Future Looks Dim

After 15 nights of riots by Muslim punks, slightly more French support hardliner Jean-Marie Le Pen's call for closed borders than think Jacque Chirac can manage the crisis.

Two times as many French think tough-talking PM Dominique de Villepin and tougher-talking Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy are capable of handing the crisis than think Chirac can do the job. (AP)

If Chirac falls, those who want to replace him will call for taking better care of the Muslim minority, but anyone who's not perceived as tough on Muslim violence will not be the winner of a national election anytime soon in France.

The Islamopunks succeeded in drawing attention to the plight of their population, just as they've diminished the opportunity for the bright and motivated to break free of the Muslim ghettos.

And certainly, they've lost the war. They've driven France to the right, and they've justified swift and firm reaction against Muslim rioters throughout Europe.