Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, November 11, 2005

Getting It Right ... And Wrong

It's interesting to look at two passing references to Scooter Libbey in two mainstains of liberal journalism, WaPo and LAT.

In an LAT story this morning on Karl Rove's speech yesterday to the Federalist Society, this appeared:
Late last month, another senior White House aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, resigned his position after being indicted in that case on charges of perjury, making false statements and obstruction of justice.
Well done.

Meanwhile, in a WaPo story about the White House's new aggression in defending its run-up to Iraq, we find this:
The unusually combative statement by the normally mild-mannered [National Security Advisor Stephen J.] Hadley underscored how the issue has inflamed political dialogue in Washington in the days since a senior White House official was indicted in the CIA leak case.
Indicted for what? For anything to do with the leak? Does WaPo really think America's collective memory is that short?