Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, November 10, 2005

From Judith's Fingers To My Eyes

If you haven't been to Judith Miller's blog/Web site yet, you should drop by and read, among other things, her resignation letter to the NYTimes. It includes this paragraph damning of the NYT's blinders:
At a commencement speech I delivered at Barnard College in 2003, a year before that note [the May 2004 editors’ note that said the NYT's coverage should have reflected greater editorial and reportorial skepticism] was published, I asked whether the administration’s prewar W.M.D. intelligence was merely wrong, or was it exaggerated or even falsified. I believed then, and still do, that the answer to bad information is more reporting. I regret that I was not permitted to pursue answers to the questions I raised at Barnard. Their lack of answers continues to erode confidence in both the press and the government.
What's the point of investigating the WMD story if all you're going to get is vindication of the president, eh?