Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Cry Of Frustration From Lebanon

Real Clear Politics leads with an amazingly wonderful commentary today from Lebanon's Daily Star. It reflects the heart of many Muslims, who have remained too quiet in the face of al Qaeda, but who are, perhaps, ending their quiet period.

Spurred by the hotel bombings in Amman, the commentary boils over with frustration. Here's an excerpt:
Muslims, the Islamic countries and Arab states now face a crucial challenge. There should be no excuse for neglecting and denying the dangerous reach of the carriers of a new and mad disease of violence. For that, serious actions should be undertaken to exterminate this spreading disease from our Muslim societies and from Islam itself. Muslims and Arabs should not only have better condemned the terrorist acts carried out everywhere around the world, but also should move to isolate the destructive, invented beliefs promoted by a group of insane people and carried out in the name of defending Islam.

Now is the time for us Muslims and Arabs to take over this responsibility. All Muslim and Arabs should unify in one mission, which is to fight the mad ideologies defended by those who have separated themselves from what Islam has really brought to the world and what Islam really wants to promote. Their acts only cause severe damage to Islam and Muslims. The false messages they are presenting in the name of Islam have resulted in a global misunderstanding about real Islamic belief. The evil belief of these mad people has sentenced Islam and Muslims to be tainted as evildoers, terrorists, savages and people with no mercy.
Let's pray it's not just words.