Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Scheer Blames Everyone But Himself For Getting Canned by LATimes

My endangered species work has taught me that any species living on the far edge of its viable habitat is constantly at risk. Robert Scheer, the ultralib dribbler on the LATimes commentary page until he was canned last Thursday, misses that point.

Even on an liberal organ like the LAT someone has to be the most liberal, and that someone was Scheer. In contemplating his fate, Scheer is looking everywhere but within for blame. A Nation article with extensive quotes from Scheer finds him blaming:
  • Corporations and country clubs (natch). It's the profit-driven, Republican corporations that control MSM in his eyes, and keeping him gave them less beans to count.
  • O'Reilly and Limbaugh, who were "pounding, pounding away and doing mass mailing campaigns against me and using me as a punching bag." Look, Bobby, punching bags are the easiest of targets. Get it?
  • Capitalists in general. "This corporation doesn't understand that the paper belongs to readers and they forget that it's not just shareholders and wider profit margins that count." The readers are fleeing, Bobby. The ship is sinking. They need to throw out the rats.
Bobby's down but not out, unfortunately. The SF Wrongicle is picking up his column, and he will launch a Web site,, next week.

If you'd like to email Jeff Johnson, the LAT's publisher, and thank him for dumping Scheer, you can do so at