Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Welcome To The Good Guys

In the non-surprise news story of the day, we're finding that torture claims raised against the Iraqi government have been exaggerated by people seeking to exploit the situation. Join me in registering shock.

Some of the 173 prisoners we found at an Iraqi prison were malnourished and showed signs of torture, but the Iraqis are providing evidence that they weren't all Sunnis, as originally reported, and "only a handful" showed signs of torture. Those included a guy who's built five car bombs.

I particularly liked this line from the AP story:
Most of the detainees were believed to be Sunni Arabs, prompting Sunni politicians to demand an international investigation.
What else would you expect? We are fighting a Sunni insurgency, so what did they think they'd find in prison? Jehovahs Witnesses?