Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, November 18, 2005

New Low For Newdow

Michael Newdow, as anticipated, has filed a lawsuit naming the Congress of the United States, demanding that "In God We Trust" be removed from America's currency. (source)

His claim, that "God" indicates endorsement of a specific religion is, of course, nonsensical. Native Americans believed in coyote and bear gods, not coyote and bear smorphlouies. Greek and Roman mythology have mountains full of gods, not mountains full of zymurjiggles. Atheists don't believe in god, they don't not believe in quellinsnort.

Mr. Newdow should sit down and have a cup of coffee with fellow atheist John Lamberti of Skeptical Centrist, who recently posted:
Michael Newdow is at it again.


Why, why why?

Also...who cares?

I'm an atheist, and I can't stand crap like this. Most of this country trusts in a god, and we atheists need to recognize that we're in the minority. I'm against school prayer, I'm against the state forcing us to worship a god, and I'm against being forced to fund religious programs. Fortunately, we're not forced to do any of those things.

But "In God We Trust"???


Can any atheist out there seriously argue that he/she is oppressed? That they're being prevented from not worshipping a god? That the state is forcing religion down their throats? Give me a friggin' break. Shut up and do something productive with your life.

And what the hell's with this "First Amendment Church of True Science"?? Anyone get the feeling that Newdow started this "church" just so he'd have a reason to file this ridiculous lawsuit?
Methinks Newdow might also be going after tax-free status with his First Amendment Church of True Science. So he's not above saving a buck over state recognition of religion, he just doesn't want that buck to recognize religion. Hypocrite.