Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Dems Owe GOP Thanks Over Murtha

"Just when you thought you'd seen it all, the Republicans have stooped to new lows, even for them," said Nancy Pelosi of yesterday's move by the GOP to force a slam-down of a bill that would have called for immediate troop withdrawal. What she meant to say was, "Thank God you guys saved our butts on this one!"

Had Rep. Bob Murtha's "withdraw in six months" bill moved forward, Dems would have had to pay the price for their support of it. This way, they get to howl at the GOP and avoid consequences for putting their campaigns ahead of the GWOT.

While calling the GOP countermove grandstanding, the Dems themselves were doing the really grand grandstanding, since Murtha's resolution was going nowhere beyond the House -- except overseas, where it would send exactly the wrong message to our troops and al Qaeda.

This morning, our troops have a solid message of support and al Qaeda's got nothing. And that's all that counts. Unless you're Kos and his ilk. Armando writes on Kos this morning:
So why the ugly smear stunt by the Republicans yesterday? Why the New McCarthyism? I think they know no other way. It is always a political campaign for Republicans. The only war they really know how to fight and want to fight is against Democrats.
Talk about butt-backwards! The GOP understands that this is not mere politics, that at stake in these debates is the fate of our troops and the fate of democratization as the only viable counter to Islamofascism.

We, the GOP, know how to fight Islamofascism while the Dem leadership only knows how to seek their own selfish benefit at the cost of peace.