Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, November 19, 2005

China Could Use Howard As Air Base

The only question remaining regarding China's plan to submit a bid to buy the mothballed Howard Air Force Base from the Panamanian government on Nov. 25 is whether continued use of the facility as an air base is acceptable under the conditions of sale.

It's a big question because if they can, and if they beat out US, Mexican and British bidders, it means China will have an air base in the Western Hemisphere.

And the answer to the question is ... yes, they can!

According to the Executive Summary of a report on Howard Base from The Conservative Caucus:
The analyses indicate that there is a potential for air transport projects related to Howard's airport which could offer a primary economical focus for the development of the area.

Land Use Category: International freight airport
Description: Use the airstrip and other existing facilities for freight aviation.
In a chart titled, "Recommendations for use of the land by sub-category," we find:
Planning Area: A2-Air field
Primary Use of Land: Air Transport (activities)
Secondary Use of Land: None
In fact, continued use of the air field appears to be a given:
The importance of Howard's airfield as catalyst for the generation of employment and economical activities cannot be over-emphasized. This installation offers the potential for creating a regional center for transportation (including sea/land, sea/air and land/air connections) for Latin America and the Caribbean, including links with global networks for the transportation of airfreight. If it is successful, such inter-modal facility could result on a new and significant economical activity in Panama, and the location for freight, manufacture, aviation industries, services, and other complimentary industries in Howard and neighboring areas.
So there you have it. In less than one week, the Panamanian government will open bids, and China could walk away with an air force base smack dab in the middle of the Western Hemisphere.

With China already operating both ports and having considerable ability to get whatever they want into them, the Communists' acquisition of Howard is inconceivable.

See also:
State Clueless On China's Plan To Bid On Panamanian Air Base
More On Commies At The Canal
China's Panama Grab Threatens US