Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Funniest MSM Line Of The Day?

In an article on two new conservative appointees to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting board, WaPo reported:
[Newly appointed chair] Cheryl F. Halpern ... succeeds a close board ally, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, who stirred controversy earlier this year by contending that public broadcasting favors liberal views.
Can something so obvious really be a controversy? It's like saying, "Tomlinson stirred controversy earlier this year by having a nose on his face."

The CPB board is firmly in conservative hands now. And so it gets interesting. Any push they make to swing the public outlets back to objectivity will necessitate the addition of conservative voices and perspectives -- and will be seen by the Left as giving public broadcasting a conservative tilt.

The CPB board needs to be an example of how to do it right; I hope they don't do any foolish partisan grandstanding. I just hate it when Republicans repeat the Dem's mistakes.