Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, September 26, 2005

China's Preview Of UN Net Regs?

My head is spinning. China has imposed internet regulations that allow only "healthy and civilized" news on the Web -- and I'm reading this AP report on Yahoo, the very company that is helping China bust violators.

China, in many ways a model UN nation -- it is strong, its people are pretty well fed, it has a powerful central government, it's not overly concerned about troubling rights issues -- has laid down Internet rules just as the UN pushes for global control of the Internet. Here's what China is setting down as a model:
  • Sites should limit posts to news on current event and politics
  • Only "healthy and civilized" content that "is beneficial to the improvemetn of the quality of the nation, beneficial to its economic development and conducive to social progress" will be allowed
  • News that goes against state security and public interest is not allowed
  • Not in the policy but worth noting: The government has been closing Internet cafes, or installing cameras in them, or requiring ID at the door.
The world has two poles -- the free and freedom granting, and the repressed and repressors. China tries to fool us, but it's clear what pole they are tied to.
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