Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Baby-Cooing Banned In UK

PC overkill begins at birth, as an English hospital has banned cooing at babies. BBC quotes a nurse supervisor at Calderdale Royal Hospital in West Yorkshire:
"Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me."
How does this woman get to supervise anyone? Has she ever paused to look at a baby? Has she ever tried to treat it as if it were just like you and me?
"Morning, Anthony. How are you feeling today?"


"Frightful weather we're having, eh?"


"Didya see that the Ryburn Valley Juniors lost again last night? Cryin' shame those boys can't kick any better than a mule."


"But then, I shouldn't be puttin' down mules. They're just four-legged sentient beings with the same rights as you and me"

I keep thinking the pendulum is going to swing back towards sensibility, but it just keeps going farther and farther out there.

h/t Memeorandum