Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, September 26, 2005

The Joy Of Resisted Arrest

As Qaeda's #2 man in Iraq is dead at the hands of US forces in a story that reminds me of my ride-along with my brother-in-law, a Fresno cop.

We spent most of the night tracking down a child molester. We interviewed the 12-year-old victim and her family, got an ID, verified it, set up a bust (but he wasn't there) and got the morning shift all primed to do the bust. Then at 3 a.m. we went home, dog tired.

In the morning, my brother-in-law called in to see how the bust went. He grinned big, said "thanks," and hung up. Turning to me, he said without his grin fading an iota,

"He resisted arrest."

According to the reports, so did Abu Azzam:
According to Pentagon officials coalition troops raided the house in response to a tip. When Azzam opened fire, these officials say, he was killed with troops' return fire.
Thanks for doing us the favor, Abu old boy. Hope your house was full of good intelligence.