Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, February 11, 2005

Is ELF Now Mainstream Terrorism?

A 21-year-old living at home with his parents has been arrested in connection with planting five bombs at a construction site, a crime whose perpetrator attributed, through spray paint and a letter to the media, to the Earth Liberation Front.

Read that again ... "A 21-year-old living at home with his parents ...." Is this today's revolutionary? Unable to make it on his own, living in a home even when his organization's web site says, "A house is not a natural environment, and for that matter neither is a birds nest." He probably borrowed Dad's SUV to make the rounds with his home-made bombs, which he got the recipe for over the Internet, powered by electricity, developed by scientists and fueled by the very civilization he is too chicken to walk away from, preferring to stay under Mommy and Daddy's roof.

According to the Sacramento Bee:

... investigation is continuing into the other two incidents: a Dec. 27 attempted arson where five unexploded firebombs were found at a home site in Lincoln and a series of fires Monday at a Sutter Creek apartment complex under construction that suffered $100,000 in damages from seven firebombs. ...

All three incidents are believed to be the work of members of the Earth Liberation Front, an underground group that opposes development that it believes harms the environment.

The first two attempted arsons failed, and local media organizations, including The Bee, later received a two-page letter claiming the attempts were the work of ELF and promising that its tactics would be revised to ensure the devices ignited.

In Monday's arson, seven firebombs were set off in various locations of a 110-unit complex that was nearing completion in Sutter Creek. Only three units were occupied at the time, and no one was injured.

But a metal storage container at the site was spray-painted with the words, "We Will Win - ELF."

Meanwhile, the ELF Web site has undergone a major renovation and now looks mainstream, with pitches for money, ads, a "contact us" button, and links to news articles about various arsons. It's quite a difference from the old site, that had a ragged and renegade look about it. Also sterilized away are easy-to-find links to bomb-making instructions and compilations of ELF actions, replaced with ads for on-line perscriptions and black light posters (a sign that some capitalist thinks this bunch is pretty immature).

Has ELF gone soft? No. The site is obviouslyh a front. No doubt learning from Islamoterrorists, ELF's real site now probably is being moved frequently, evidence that the group is not wholly de-centralized and non-heirarchical, as they claim it is. And naive radical rhetoric is still laced throughout the site. For your concerned chuckling:

There is no natural environment, which leads to the necessity to destroy all things that we constructingly begin to see and understand as "natural" environments.

If you think something it cannot have anything to do with "morals" or ethics."

"...With the lack of results coming from above ground organizing, and steep prison sentences and intense monitoring of those who engage in voluntary arrests, many are turning to clandestine guerrilla tactics to more effectively actualize social change. The concept of 'getting away' is gaining appeal. Those who fight and get away are free to fight another day. If we are to actually succeed in preserving all that is sacred and which keeps us alive, then we need to engage ourselves in a manner which is most effective. We need to organize and partake in direct actions, which defend ourselves from the murderous greed that is destroying our environment, and ultimately killing us all. How much is your life and your natural environment worth to you? How far are you willing to go to protect it? If not you, who? If not now, when?"