Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Bear-ly Contained PC Stupidity

From today's LATimes (which they're still delivering despite my cancellation of it):
MONTPELIER, Vt. — The head of Vermont Teddy Bear Co. resigned from the board of Vermont's largest hospital Wednesday after coming under fire from mental health activists for selling a "Crazy for You" bear in a straitjacket.

"The recent controversy surrounding one of my company's teddy bears will detract from my ability to serve effectively, and I cannot allow this to occur," Elisabeth Robert said in a statement issued by the hospital, Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington.

The $69.95 "Crazy for You" bear, which comes with its own commitment papers, was designed as a Valentine's Day gift, but was branded insensitive by Gov. Jim Douglas and advocates for the mentally ill. (More here)
As Incredible Daughter #1 points out, "Do you think the crazy people are aware enough to know they're being made fun of?"