Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, February 11, 2005

Environmentalists Run Amok

Gov. Schwarzenegger bowed quickly to enviornmental pressure and removed Marilyn Hendrickson, who runs a fishing tackle supply business and has a level head, from the California Fish & Game Commission.

A Natural Resources Defense Council spokesperson hailed the move, saying Hendrickson consistently voted against conservation. Well, she voted against lead bullets and a few poorly crafted species listing actions. Said her husband of Schwarzenegger's unwillingness to fight for his nominee: "This just shows you what environmentalists can do when they are running rampant."

Indeed. No commissioner has been expelled from the Commission for voting on every pro-environmental motion before them, without differentiating between the necessary and the bogus. But should a Commissioner vote with consideration and care, i.e., be less than deep green, he or she is the target of attack.

Those they're not attacking: A labor union boss, ex-gov Davis' Mexico liaison whose resume says absolutely nothing about the environment but a lot about a rubber-stamping career for Dems, and a Clintonista who was a regional director of Sierra Club.