OC Traitor Dead? Let's Hope!

Gadahn's grandparents were liberal Jewish leaders in Orange County and now he is/was one of the world's premier Jew-haters.
His parents were mellow hippie goat-farmers with multi-culti coursing through their drug-soaked brains. It was Pop's goat sales to OC's first mosque that introduced their son to Islam -- and that's cool man, you know, because God is God is God, you know? Far out.
In no time, the preachers of the Religion of Peace had converted Gadahn into a new man: hateful, vicious and Hell-bound.
And now, if the rumors are right, he's reached that well-deserved location.
For my earlier posts summarizing the OCRegister's fascinating three-part series on Gadahn and his family, click here, here and here.
Labels: Al Qaeda, bin Laden, Gadahn, War on Terror
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