Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, November 23, 2007

Watcher's Winners

Hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving reading provided you by the Watcher of Weasels.

Winning the competition among Watcher's Council was ... me! My post, Charting a New Course in Iraq Messaging, eked out a win over Bookworm's Prophets in a Freudian Age, thanks to a tie-breaker vote by the Watcher.

I earn my keep with messaging -- what would be called "spin" if it weren't factual, sincere and respectful of the audience. Anyone with enough involvement in the world to be important is too smart to fall for spin, so messaging is needed to communicate policy and potential today. Politicians don't understand this -- hence the post on the Dems' new Iraq messaging.

Bookworm's piece on mental illness, street crazies, Mohammad and Jesus got my first place vote.

On the non-Council side, my second choice came in first and first came in second. First in the Council's eyes was The Irrationality of Europe from the Van Der Galien Gazette, followed by a deliciously funny The Ultimate War Simulation Game.

See all the winners here.

Thanks for the Thanksgiving reading feast, Watcher ... and for your vote, which provided a bit of special dessert for me.

